How You Can Help

These organizations are all working toward helping either the reindeer themselves or the Reindeer Peoples who count on them. Some take donations, some put out information. As we contact each organization and get more info on their specific projects and how people can help, we will be posting it here.

The Itgel Foundation's Reindeer Life Project
Saving the Mongolian reindeer directly through veterinary action and research. They've already made a difference in reindeer population in their small area. They have a donation button, too.
Totem Peoples Project
Helping Siberian and Mongolian Reindeer Peoples
Pact's Mongolia Project
Greenpeace's Efforts To Save Reindeer Forest
Adopt a Cairngorm Reindeer
The only wild reindeer herd in the UK lets people adopt a reindeer from afar.
Survival International Campaigns:
Khanty tribe & other Siberian tribes (Sakha, Komi, Chukchee)
Information, news articles, and activist campaigns for tribal peoples worldwide.
Cultural Survival
Helps with the Totem Project above, and has many good articles on Reindeer People.
Association of World Reindeer Herders
Nomadicare: Supporting the Survival of Mongolian Nomads
Indigenous People's Resources: We Are The Sami
The Barents Euro-Arctic Council
The forum for intergovernmental cooperation in the Reindeer Peoples area of arctic Europe. Their list of links is very comprehensive and worth looking at.

Russian Association of Indigenous People of the North
Center for Russian Nature Conservation
Project to fly 10 reindeer into a remote herd for genetic diversity
Saami Baiki Foundation - protecting Saami culture
International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry blog
Finnish Reindeer Herders Association
Reindeer Owners and Breeders in the US and Canada
Currently, many US states have banned domestic reindeer traveling across state lines because other species of deer may suffer from CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease). No reindeer have yet been found to suffer from CWD, and even were they to do so, there should be some kind of process by which animals can be certified and moved with permission. These laws are financially disastrous for US reindeer breeders, many of whom bring their tame reindeer to other states for exhibition at Christmas and for sales. They also prevent small farmers in proscribed states from procuring reindeer to raise - in some cases, even reindeer from farms that have been certified to be free of CWD for a decade. More small reindeer farms means more global genetic diversity. If your state is one of these, please send mail to the proper authorities and legislators asking them to make the legislation more reindeer-breeder-friendly.